
Summer school on GEOMETRIC MEASURE THEORY AND CALCULUS OF VARIATIONS: theory and applications

The story of GMT (Geometric Measure Theory) starts with Besicovitch in the 1920's in the setting of the complex plane and has been extended to higher dimensions by Federer's school in the 1960's. Tools from geometric measure theory are now widely used in both pure and applied mathematics and have connections with many fields of research like geometric analysis, calculus of variations, image processing, optimal transport, partial differential equations, numerical analysis. 

Calculus of variations is a very old subject that usually take its essence in the study of natural phenomena or problems coming from a physical model, where a functional has to be minimized. In recent years, the developpment of GMT offered new tools to study a wide variety of problems from the calculus of variation, sometimes very old, where both analysis and geometry are intimately linked. This gave rise to a modern approach and a better understanding of many problems which  opened one of the most beautiful mathematical topic, where GMT and calculs of variation are mixed.

This international  summer school aims to  gather reaserchers interested in geometric measure theory and calculs of variations, during three weeks.

During the first two weeks, some intensive courses will be given by experimented specialists, dedicated to young researchers or anyone which would like to learn more on our subject.

conference will take place on the last week with 20 talks by experienced reaserchers.

Local organizing comitee: Dorin Bucur, Elie Bretin, Simon Masnou, Quentin Mérigot, Edouard Oudet, Hervé Pajot

Scientific comitee: Lorenzo Brasco, Antonin Chambolle, Thierry De Pauw, Guy David, Vincent Feuvrier, Antoine Lemenant, Benoît Merlet, Vincent Millot, Laurent Moonens, Olivier Pantz, Séverine Rigot, Filippo Santambrogio.







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